This one is so complex because you’ve been hurt so many times before. It seems as if people never change! I can’t stress how much you really need to heal your open wounds before dating or entering a new relationship. The healing time is slowest phase after a break up. It’s the time you to cling to close friends and family. The time you get yourself back on track with the things you did before you got into a relationship. Get back on track with your short term goals that became long term goals. Do things that make you happy. Try not to focus on the past and work towards your future. There is so much ahead of you, so do not slow down now. Talk to people and be willing to communicate what you are going through. You would be so surprised who how many people are either going through the same thing or been there. Life is about learning. Sometimes you become apart of someone else’s learning lesson but you have to heal to understand. After the healing you learn to get over the past. Forgive that person that hurt you so much. Then you are ready to get back into the dating world and open up to new possibilities. Trust again has never been so easy. Understand that your next is not your ex, he or she could be the next best thing. I believe there is someone for everyone. Just have faith and think about the wonderful possibilities love can bring.